Comparing the effects of different sintering aids on spark plasma sintering of SiC ceramics

  • A. Faeghinia 1
  • 1 Ceramics Department, Materials and Energy Research Center (MERC), P.O. Box 31779-83634, Karaj, Iran


In the present work, to improve the mechanical properties of silicon carbide different sintering aids were used. 2.5 wt% B4C, 2.5 wt% AlN, and TiC in the range of 5 to 7 wt% were selected to manufacture the SiC-based sample via spark plasma sintering at 1700 °C. The results show that the use of 2.5 wt% B4C-2.5 wt% AlN additives increases the strength (1206 MPa) of the composite through the compressive stress created in the grain boundaries and decreases its fracture toughness (5.13 MPa.m1/2). But in the case of TiC-doped SiC, the toughness (7.09 MPa.m1/2) and density (3.18 g/cm3) of the sample increases compared to the pure SiC sample.


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Keywords: Silicon carbide, Sintering aid, Spark plasma sintering, Mechanical properties


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Comparing the effects of different sintering aids on spark plasma sintering of SiC ceramics
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How to Cite
Faeghinia, A. (2024). Comparing the effects of different sintering aids on spark plasma sintering of SiC ceramics. Synthesis and Sintering, 4(2), 79-86.

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