As an integral step in the submission process, authors are obligated to affirm the adherence of their submission to the following guidelines. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the return of submissions to the authors for further modifications. This ensures the quality and integrity of submissions within the journal.

Submission Essentials and Checklist
  • Ensure the manuscript is original, unpublished, and not concurrently submitted elsewhere.
  • Verify that the manuscript aligns with the journal’s scope; out-of-scope submissions will not be reviewed.
  • Provide a cover letter detailing manuscript contributions.
  • Prepare a Graphical Abstract.
  • Suggest the names, organizational email addresses, and affiliations of three expert reviewers in the field within the cover letter. Please note that editors may not necessarily invite the suggested reviewers.
  • Format the submission text in a spell-checked, grammar-checked, single-spaced, 12-point font Microsoft Word file.
  • Obtain permission for the reuse of copyrighted materials from other sources.
  • Place all figures and tables within the text at appropriate points.
  • Follow internationally accepted rules and conventions: use the international system of units (SI).
  • Prioritize grammar, spelling, and accuracy; English errors will result in return.
  • Follow the specified reference format; incorrect formatting may lead to a return.
  • Avoid manipulation of citations, including irrelevant and excessive self-citations.
  • For revisions, address reviewers’ comments point-by-point.

Synthesis and sintering features a diverse array of article types, including but not limited to: 

  • Research articles typically present original research findings.
  • Review articles provide a comprehensive overview of a particular topic. 
  • Case studies delve into specific instances for analysis.
  • Short communications are concise, focused research contributions. 
  • Perspectives offer opinion pieces on current trends in the field.
  • Editorials offer commentary on current issues.

Article Title:

  • Craft a concise and informative title, refraining from undefined abbreviations.

Author Information:

  • Include the full first name, middle name (if available), and last name of all authors.
  • Specify each author’s affiliation, denoted by a lower-case superscript letter immediately following the author’s name.
  • Designate the corresponding author for all correspondence throughout the refereeing, publication processes, and post-publication.
  • Provide the email addresses of all authors; institutional emails are preferred.
  • Provide ORCID iDs for all authors. Visit our ORCID Profile page for detailed creation guidelines.


  • Limit the abstract to 200 words.
  • Summarize the research’s purpose, principal results, and major conclusions.
  • Conclude with a statement on how the work advances the field’s state of the art.
  • Avoid references unless necessary.
  • Non-standard abbreviations should be defined upon first use within the abstract.


  • Provide 4 to 7 keywords for indexing purposes.
  • Preferentially avoid repeating words from the paper title.

1. Introduction: Setting Objectives and Reviewing Literature

In this comprehensive section, articulate the specific objectives of your research and situate them within the broader scientific discourse. Provide a thorough background by reviewing relevant literature and summarizing the historical context and previous studies pertinent to your research area. Incorporate a concise literature review to highlight key findings, knowledge gaps, and the evolution of thought in the field.

2. Experimental procedure/Theory/Calculation: Research Methodology

Here, meticulously detail the experimental procedures, theoretical frameworks, or calculations employed in your study. Ensure that there is enough information for independent researchers to replicate your work. Summarize previously published methods with appropriate references, and if directly quoting, use citation and quotation marks. Describe any modifications made to existing methods.

3. Results and discussion: Insightful Analysis and Interpretation

Combine your results and discussion into a cohesive section. Present your findings clearly and avoid repetition. Discuss the implications and significance of your results, steering clear of extensive citations or reiteration of published literature.

4. Conclusions: Key Takeaways

Summarize the primary conclusions of your study in a succinct conclusions section. Reinforce the key findings and their implications for advancing scientific knowledge.

The CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) system provides a standardized framework for transparently documenting individual contributions to scholarly research. In the CRediT authorship contribution statement section of your manuscript for Synthesis and Sintering, authors should clearly outline their specific roles and contributions to the study.

Here are all 14 roles defined by the CRediT taxonomy:

  1. Conceptualization: Generating the research idea or formulating research questions.
  2. Data Curation: Organizing, managing, or maintaining research data.
  3. Formal Analysis: Analyzing research data using statistical or computational methods.
  4. Funding Acquisition: Securing financial support or resources for the research.
  5. Investigation: Conducting experiments, surveys, or other activities to gather data.
  6. Methodology: Designing the research study, including selecting methods and approaches.
  7. Project Administration: Overseeing administrative aspects of the research project.
  8. Resources: Providing equipment, materials, or other resources for the research.
  9. Software: Developing or maintaining software used in the research.
  10. Supervision: Providing oversight, guidance, or mentorship to other researchers.
  11. Validation: Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of research findings through verification.
  12. Visualization: Creating visual representations of data or concepts.
  13. Writing – Original Draft: Drafting the initial version of the manuscript.
  14. Writing – Review & Editing: Critically reviewing and revising the manuscript for publication.

For each author, list their specific contributions using the roles defined by the CRediT taxonomy. If an author contributed to multiple roles, list each role separately. Ensure that the contributions accurately reflect each author’s involvement in the study.


Iman Salahshoori: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal Analysis, Data Curation, Investigation, Writing – Original Draft, Visualization.

Ahmad Seyfaee: Validation, Writing – Review & Editing, Project Administration, Supervision.

Aziz Babapoor: Validation, Writing – Review & Editing, Project Administration.

By adhering to these guidelines and clearly documenting individual contributions using the CRediT taxonomy, authors can provide transparent and comprehensive attribution of authorship roles in their manuscripts.

For authors submitting to Synthesis and Sintering, it is encouraged to include a Data availability statement in their articles. These statements should provide information on where readers can access the data supporting the reported results, including links to publicly archived datasets if applicable. Additionally, authors can indicate whether data are available upon request and specify reasons if data are not publicly accessible.

Data availability statements may take one of the following examples, depending on the circumstances:

  1. The datasets generated or analyzed in this study are available in the [NAME] repository, accessible via [PERSISTENT WEB LINK TO DATASETS].
  2. The datasets generated or analyzed in this study are not publicly available due to [REASON] but can be obtained from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
  3. The data underlying this article will be shared on reasonable request to the corresponding author.
  4. Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analyzed during the study.
  5. All data generated or analyzed in this study are included in this published article [and its supplementary information files].

By including these statements, authors contribute to transparency and reproducibility in research, facilitating access to data for further investigation and validation.

Conflicts of Interest, also known as Competing Interests, arise when external factors influence or are perceived to influence the impartiality or objectivity of research. These conflicts can manifest at any stage of the research process, including experimentation, manuscript preparation, or during the publication process.

While conflicts of interest do not always preclude publication or involvement in the review process, they must be disclosed. Transparent disclosure of all potential conflicts, regardless of their actual impact, enables informed decision-making regarding the research and its review.

Failure to address conflicts of interest post-publication can lead to embarrassment for authors, editors, and the journal, potentially necessitating a corrigendum or reevaluation of the review process.

Common conflicts include personal relationships, financial interests, intellectual property concerns, affiliations with interested organizations, and ideological influences. Authors should carefully assess how these factors may affect their work and the manuscript’s handling.

Authors are primarily concerned with avoiding bias in their manuscripts. If authors have any interests or associations that could affect their decision-making process, disclosure is essential upon submission. Requests for changes based on these disclosures are not accusatory but aim to safeguard the integrity of the work. Authors should remember that undisclosed conflicts may lead to post-publication issues, including corrections or retractions.

Authors are expected to include a conflict of interest statement in their manuscript for Synthesis and Sintering, even if they believe no conflicts exist. Confirmation of the absence of conflicts should be provided in writing.

In the Funding and acknowledgment section of your manuscript for Synthesis and Sintering, it’s recommended to provide transparent information about financial support and recognize contributions from individuals or organizations that have facilitated your research.


  • Clearly state any financial support received to conduct the research. Include grants, scholarships, fellowships, or any other sources of funding.
  • Provide the full name of the funding organization or agency, along with the grant number (if applicable). 
  • If the research received multiple sources of funding, list them separately for clarity.
  • Acknowledge any in-kind support, such as equipment loans or access to facilities, if applicable.

Example: “This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. 123456) and the XYZ Foundation.”


  • Express gratitude to individuals or institutions who contributed to the research but did not meet the criteria for authorship.
  • Include mentors, colleagues, technical staff, or other collaborators who provided valuable assistance or advice.
  • If someone provided critical feedback on the manuscript, acknowledge their input.
  • Mention any organizations or individuals who provided resources or access to data.

Example: “The authors would like to thank Dr. [Name] for valuable discussions and feedback on the manuscript. We also acknowledge the technical support provided by [Name] at [Institution].”

Proper citation and referencing are essential for maintaining the integrity and credibility of scholarly publications. This guide provides instructions for authors submitting to Synthesis and Sintering on how to cite and list references in their manuscripts.

Citing References:

  • Use square brackets with sequential numbers to indicate references within the text. Examples: “….. reported elsewhere [4,12]. Mansoor et al. [7] achieved ….”.

Listing References:

  • Ensure that every reference cited in the text is also included in the reference list, and vice versa, to maintain accuracy and completeness.
  • Format journal references as follows:
    • Use the following template: [Number] Author(s), Title of Article, Journal Title, Volume (Year) Page Numbers. DOI: [DOI Number]. Example: [1] A. Akhoondi, A.I. Osman, A. Alizadeh Eslami, Direct catalytic production of dimethyl ether from CO and CO2: A review, Synth. Sinter. 1 (2021) 105-120.
    • If the number of authors is six or fewer, list all authors in the reference section of the paper. However, if there are more than six authors, include only the first five authors followed by “et al.” for the remaining authors.
  • Format book references as follows:
    • Use the following template: [Number] Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, City, Year.
  • Utilize popular reference management software such as Mendeley to automatically format citations and bibliographies.

By following these guidelines, authors can ensure accurate and consistent citation and referencing practices in their manuscripts, contributing to the overall quality and professionalism of their submissions.

The Response to Reviewers document is a crucial component of the manuscript revision process, allowing authors to address reviewers’ comments and provide clarifications or revisions as needed. This guide provides instructions for authors submitting to Synthesis and Sintering on how to prepare an effective Response to Reviewers document.

  1. Organize Your Response:

    • Create a separate document specifically for your “Response to Reviewers.”
    • Structure your response to address each reviewer’s comments individually.
  2. Address Comments Point-by-Point:

    • Respond to each comment raised by the reviewers clearly and concisely.
    • Use the reviewer’s numbering or labeling system to reference each comment for easy cross-referencing.
  3. Provide Detailed Responses:

    • Provide detailed explanations or justifications for any revisions made to the manuscript.
    • Indicate where revisions have been made in the manuscript to address specific comments.
  4. Be Respectful and Professional:

    • Maintain a respectful and professional tone throughout your response, even if you disagree with certain comments or suggestions.
    • Acknowledge the reviewers’ efforts and thank them for their constructive feedback.
  5. Revise the Manuscript Accordingly:

    • Implement any necessary revisions or corrections based on the feedback received from the reviewers.
    • Indicate the changes made in the revised manuscript to facilitate the editor’s and reviewers’ evaluation.

Proofreading is a critical step in the publication process that ensures the accuracy, completeness, and quality of your accepted manuscript before it is published in Synthesis and Sintering. This guide aims to explain the purpose and guidelines for proofreading to authors.

Explanation of Proofreading:

Proofreading involves carefully checking your manuscript to identify and correct any errors related to typesetting or conversion. It also verifies the completeness and accuracy of the text, tables, and figures included in your manuscript. The primary objectives of proofreading are to:

  1. Ensure Accuracy: Check for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and typographical errors to maintain the clarity and professionalism of your manuscript.

  2. Verify Completeness: Ensure that all text, tables, and figures are included as intended and that no essential elements are missing from your manuscript.

  3. Confirm Consistency: Ensure consistency in formatting, style, and terminology throughout your manuscript to enhance readability and coherence.

Guidelines for Proofreading:

  1. Focus on Technical Errors: Pay close attention to technical aspects such as spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting errors.

  2. Review Tables and Figures: Verify the accuracy of data presented in tables and figures, ensuring proper labeling and alignment.

  3. Seek Approval for Substantial Changes: Avoid making substantial changes to the content of your manuscript, such as introducing new results or modifying the title and authorship, without prior approval from the Editor.

  4. Collaborate with Co-Authors: Collaborate with your co-authors to ensure that all contributors have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript before submission.