Neutron shielding performance of polyethylene-7% B and Al-30 wt% B4C composites fabricated via hot-press sintering

  • Masomeh Ghayebloo 1
  • Zeinab Naghsh Nejad 2
  • Nafiseh Araghian 2
  • Hamzeh Foratirad 3
  • Amir Movafeghi 2
  • 1 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Bonab, P.O. Box 5551761167, Bonab, Iran
  • 2 Reactor and Nuclear Safety Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTRI), Tehran, Iran
  • 3 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTRI), Tehran, Iran


The current research investigates the neutron shielding features of polyethylene-7% B and Al-30 wt% B4C composites fabricated via hot-press sintering. The practical analysis was conducted via Neutron radiography and Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) simulation. The results illustrated that Al-30 wt% B4C with 5 mm thickness has equivalent neutron absorption properties with 14 mm thickness of PE-7% B. Composites with higher density and homogenous distribution of B4C have better neutron shield properties. Al-30 wt% B4C composite fabricated at 650 °C has a higher neutron absorption property. Experimental and simulation findings confirmed each other at lower thicknesses and Al-30 wt% B4C has better neutron shielding than PE-7% B. At thicknesses over 1 cm, the cross-sectional area of polyethylene-7% B and Al-30 wt% B4C composites are near each other. By increasing the thicknesses of composites, the relative total dose reduction and the shield properties of composites are enhanced.


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Keywords: Hot-press, Monte Carlo, Neutron radiography, Neutron shielding


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Neutron shielding performance of polyethylene-7% B and Al-30 wt% B4C composites fabricated via hot-press sintering
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How to Cite
Ghayebloo, M., Naghsh Nejad, Z., Araghian, N., Foratirad, H., & Movafeghi, A. (2024). Neutron shielding performance of polyethylene-7% B and Al-30 wt% B4C composites fabricated via hot-press sintering. Synthesis and Sintering, 4(4), 241-247.