Comsol Multiphysics modeling of an electrochemical biosensor using carbon nanotubes for detecting urinary estrogen receptor

  • Lenah Serai Wangare 1
  • Thamsanqa Mafika 1
  • Muneebah Ally Said El-Kitany 1
  • Shahla Azizi 1
  • 1 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, via Mersin 10, Türkiye


A class of steroid hormones known as estrogens is essential for the health of the heart, bones, and reproductive system. Changes in estrogen levels have been connected to several health problems, such as endocrine disorders, metabolic syndromes, and cancer. In pharmaceutical applications, environmental monitoring, and medical diagnostics, biosensors that measure estrogen levels are essential. This study models estrogen detection biosensors based on urine liquid, horseradish peroxidase biorecognition, and carbon nanotubes (CNT) using Comsol Multiphysics. This study demonstrates that most interactions happen at the upper boundary of the concave pillars put inside the box. Besides, it shows that the velocity has the highest value between the concave pillars inside the box. The results demonstrate that the number of interactions (absorption and adsorption) rises with increasing the concave pillars' area, affecting the biosensor output.


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Keywords: Biosensors, Estrogen detection, Nanomaterials, Hormone monitoring, Electrochemical sensors


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Comsol Multiphysics modeling of an electrochemical biosensor using carbon nanotubes for detecting urinary estrogen receptor
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How to Cite
Serai Wangare, L., Mafika, T., Ally Said El-Kitany, M., & Azizi, S. (2024). Comsol Multiphysics modeling of an electrochemical biosensor using carbon nanotubes for detecting urinary estrogen receptor. Synthesis and Sintering, 4(3), 191-196.